Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
It's a BABY!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Take me out to the ballgame...
We started out the evening with free hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and cookies and then Grandma and Papa bought the kids shirts and souvenir mini-baseball bats. We got to our seats and I think Caden kept his baseball glove up most of the evening, hoping to catch a fly ball!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Adventure Week!

The last night of the week, it was a very fulfilling moment for me because all the volunteers and children gathered in our auditorium for worship songs blasting out of the speakers and all of us doing the hand movements that motivate the children to get up and sing. To give you perspective though, we had 600 children and 300 volunteers in this auditorium. To see all the kids singing and excited for the Lord was quite a "lightbulb" moment when I realized how many lives, at such young ages, are being impacted.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Boy of Summer...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
2 year old ATTITUDE!

This morning, my alarm goes off at 6:55 am (why not 7:00, I don't know but I must feel as though that extra 5 minutes helps me) and I get in the shower and start about the business of making myself presentable to go to work. Before I blow-dry my hair, I tip-toe to her room and shut the door so that I don't wake her up with the squealing that comes from the dryer. A few minutes later, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed watching something that has captivated my interest on the Today show and I hear her get up, start screaming and babbling the whole time and she SLAMS the door open so hard that it hits the wall and then stomps her way back to the bed and falls back asleep. This made me laugh so hard because I realized that my 2 year old, if given the correct words, was cussing me out for closing her door. I'm also realizing that she's doing this at 2 YEARS old...what in all that is good and holy is the future going to bring?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Homemade Laundry Detergent
So my kitchen science experiment for today was making homemade laundry detergent. I've done a bit of research on this by reading several internet sites and have realized that quite a bit of savings can be made by making your own and most have stated that it works just as well, if not better than commercial detergent.
In preparation for making this, in recent weeks, I had purchased both types of soap called for in the recipe, Fels Naptha and Kirk's Castile, and so I made a batch of each. For the shaving/grating, I cut it up the bar of soap in to chunks and then used my chef's chopper to "grate" it. I barely use my chopper, believe it or not, for food chopping and so I figured I might as well get some sort of use out of it!
1 cup Fels Naptha or Kirk's Castile, shaved and grated
1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup washing soda
Use ONE tablespoon per load.
Use a little more if you have an especially dirty load.
Pregnancy Brain
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Salad Cravings...
4 lg. tomatoes, cut into wedges
Put prepared vegetables in large salad bowl. In smaller bowl combine remaining ingredients with wire whip until salt and sugar dissolve. Pour dressing over vegetables and let stand in refrigerator about 2 hours before serving for best flavor.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bright & Early...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Free Friday Night!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Audrey!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
40 and Pregnant!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am thinking...that I have great neighbors. I just love the comradery that we have here on the street with the other parents and we get along so well. Also, yesterday, one of the mothers took the boys to see a movie with her 2 sons and I just thought that was such a nice gesture on her part...taking 4 boys to see a movie is an adventure of itself!
I am thankful for...that I was able to get us on my insurance at work while Kevin is off. I was nervous that things wouldn't go as planned but I was able to sign the family up and we're already enrolled! A quick and easy process, although not cheap! Ha!
From the kitchen...I'm not sure yet. I haven't set anything out but the day is early and so I have time! Because Kevin has been home, he's been doing a lot of the cooking here lately and getting quite good at it!
I am wearing...I'm still in my pajama's! I woke up at 5:15 this morning and just couldn't get back to sleep and so came on downstairs and got on the computer!
I am reading...nothing at the's summer and the kids are home and I've just been too busy. I signed the kids up thought for the summer reading program at the library and they have the program for adults as well.
I am hoping...that Kevin's second phone interview goes well today! Say some prayers!
I am creating...nothing at the moment but have plans for another 3 baby rag quilts! I want to make one for another girlfriend as a gift and then one of my girlfriends in Michigan wants me to make her one for each of her children.
I am hearing...the news. Because it's so early, I have the TV to myself!
One of my favorite things...when I have moments like this to myself! Usually it's in the evening after everyone has gone to sleep and the whole house is quiet.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Tonight, the "parent" football game with Caden. Kevin will be playing as a teammate with Caden. Saturday, we have the last of the football games for the boys and they will also get their trophies that day as well. Sunday, church and Life Group.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Baby Raq Quilt
The Goods...
Final Verdict of overall bread experiment: B-. A lot of work for bread and to have to continually do this process every 3-5 days. However, if you knew you were having a dinner where you wanted some fresh baked bread and you could plan ahead, I could see why you might want to do this. It was fun to do this from beginning to end and see how this all comes together though.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bread Dough, Step 3
This has been an interesting process because I was "supposed" to do all this on Saturday night but the day just got away from me. I had "fed" the original starter Saturday morning and let it sit out all day as instructed but then by the time Saturday night came, I was just too tired! I put it all back in the fridge, which gave me a HUGE starter jar! So this morning, I split the original starter, fed it and gave half of it to my neighbor.
Stay tuned tomorrow night...hopefully I'll be posting pictures of yummy bread and rolls!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sourdough Bread Starter
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Learning how to put on lipstick...
Filthy Football!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Silly Swingin'!
Isabella LOVES to swing and she especially loves it when we push her. Tonight, she was so giggly and then when Samuel walked in to the backyard and pretended as though she was hitting him down with her feet each time she swang forward, she just thought this was hilarious! I love her laughter in this video and I love to see my children playing together and Samuel trying to entertain her! Enjoy!
Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am thankful for...healthy children! We've been hearing so much about the swine flu here the past few weeks on the news. Luckily, we haven't been hit by anything of this sort. I feel so bad for those families in Mexico who have lost loved ones and especially the children.
Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am thinking...that Caden will not have his football practice tonight but you never know, it is football after all ,and there hasn't been any lightening as of yet.
From the kitchen...I need to go "into" the kitchen and figure that out. I'm behind on this!
I am capri's, Green Bay Packer's tshirt and flip flops. Thursday is my day off and so I never dress up!
I am reading...Christianity 101, Chapter 5 for my Life Group. We have stopped at Chapter 5 because one of the pastors from our church is coming to our Life Group this Sunday to let us ask him questions and have a discussion. Our assignment is to lookover the first 5 chapters and then come to our Life Group with at least one question.
I am hoping...that the Lord blesses Kevin with a new job. He was let go this past Friday and so he is frantically trying to find something, anything at this point. Please pray for him and us.
I am hearing...the rain softly coming down and Sid the Science Guy on PBS.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Dandelion Bouquet
Jeremiah 29:11
plans to give you hope and a future.

I am creating...a baby's rag quilt! I have washed all the fabric and today, hope to start cutting out the strips!
A few plans for the rest of the week...Saturday, we have the boys first get-together for their flag football teams, Samuel has a birthday party to go to and I have a girl's night get-together to go to that evening...busy day! Sunday, we just have church and our Life Group and it's supposed to be a beautiful day and so we're also looking forward to that!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Baby Raq Quilt

I am thinking...that I now need to concentrate on cleaning the upstairs. I also need to deep clean the living room carpets as well.
I am thankful for...I went to the YMCA last night to sign up the boys for "flag football" and they had 2 spots left for Samuel's age group. I'm so thankful that we were able to get him in because he desperately wanted to play and I know he will love it!
From the kitchen...I have chicken thawing for dinner tonight. Depending on the time Kevin gets home, I'm betting he will want to grill out because of the nice weather!
I am wearing...gray knit capri's and a white long-sleeve tshirt and my black crocs. Yes, crocs are ugly, I agree, but they are soooo comfortable!
I am reading...Christianity 101, Chapter 5 for my Life Group.
I am hoping...that I can finish my project below in time for the birth of my girlfriend's babies! I have two friends who are pregnant, due in June/July.
I am hearing..."Super Why " morning cartoon on PBS.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Homemade Multi Purpose Cleaner
1/4 cup baking soda
3/4 cup household ammonia
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 gallon (16 cups) warm water
Mix all ingredients and store.
Pour into spray bottle when needed.
Monday, April 13, 2009
National TV Turnoff Week

In doing some research to see what this week was about, I was initially thinking that "does my family really need to do this" and after reading the statistics, I'm now more interested in participating. Here's what I learned:
- Number of 30-second commercials seen in a year by an average child: 20,000
- Number of minutes per week that parents spend in meaningful conversation with their children: 38.5
- Number of minutes per week that the average child watches television: 1,680 (28 hours)
- Percentage of children ages 6-17 who have TV's in their bedrooms: 50%
- Percentage of day care centers that use TV during a typical day: 70%
- Hours per year the average American youth spends in school: 900 hours
- Hours per year the average American youth watches television: 1500 hours
- Percentage of Americans that regularly watch television while eating dinner: 66%
Before participating in the week, get the kids involved too instead of just announcing that this is what the family will be doing. Involve them in conversation and ask them what their favorite shows are and if they could live without them for a week. Ask them about activities they would like to do instead of watching TV and write these down so that they you can do them and they feel as though they are part of this process!
Simple ideas to fill in the time:
- Have story-time each night
- Take a walk
- Go to the park
- Have a carpet picnic
- Make a craft with the kids
- Cook or bake, having the kids help
- Visit a relative you haven't seen in awhile
- Go to the Zoo or a Museum
If you decide that you think you just can't live without a TV for a week, a suggestion would be to maybe make a list of those shows that your family just can't live without and watch only those shows, turning the TV off after it's over with no switching back and forth to other channels.
Goodluck! Come back and comment with your thoughts and if you did participate, how the week went for you and your family!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Lions, Tigers, and Bears! Oh My!
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Meaning of Good Friday

As Jesus faced death literally, he needed God's help to save him from the world. Jesus' words from the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" echo the human experience of seeking a reality beyond death (Matthew 27:46).
For Christians, Good Friday is a time to be with Jesus in his time of suffering and wait with him in hope of God's promise, eternal life to all who believe. The "good" in Good Friday reflects the Christian hope of resurrection and new life in Jesus, foreshadowing Easter Sunday, when Christians believe that God resurrected Jesus from the dead.
Good Friday is the day that Christians focus especially on the cross and Jesus' sacrifice for the sins of the world. The cross is a central symbol of the Christian faith. Christians believe that Jesus, son of God, died to save all believers from sin, all that separates human beings from God. The cross reminds Christians of Jesus' death and their salvation, how Jesus saved them from death by dying in their place.
Jesus' crucifixion, death on the cross, is the source of eternal life for all who believe according to Christian teaching. Jesus put himself in the place of every believer's sins as he suffered for the whole world by sacrificing his own life. Atonement, Jesus giving himself for the sins of Christians, saves all Christians from hell and suffering. Good Friday is a time for Chrisitans to remember Jesus' sacrifice and reflect on how the cross has saved them from their sins.
Information above taken from
Thursday, April 9, 2009

A few plans for the rest of the week...Tomorrow will be a day spent at home, our last day of spring break for the kids. Other than this, we will celebrate our risen Savior on this Easter weekend by going to church on Sunday and then a family lunch after.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Living Frugal ~ CVS Savings
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Favorite Things...Easter
Friday, April 3, 2009
Jesus, Bring The Rain
Bring the Rain
by Mercy Me
So I pray
So I pray Holy, holy, holy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Living Frugal ~ Homemade Hair Conditioner
Fill 2/3 with water
Fill 1/3 with hair conditioner of your choice
Before each use, shake well and then spray!
A lot cheaper than paying $3 a bottle at the store!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fighting...and making up!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

I am thinking...that I need to get me and the kids on some sort of routine on Thursday and Friday while I'm off. I haven't gotten much done these past couple of weeks!
I am thankful for...Kevin. Our love for each other, after almost 10 years of marriage, is still intact and as he said Tuesday night, we equal each other out.
From the kitchen...baked chicken, broccoli and rice. I'm also going to make muffins tonight for the kids for breakfast tomorrow morning.
I am knit capri's; brown shirt with a white shirt underneath and my flip flops! As always, I'm about comfort!
I am reading...Confessions of an Irritable Mother; Christianity 101, Chapter 4 for my bible study.
I am hoping...that Kevin's and I work situations take a turn for the better very SOON! Please pray for us as things are going to get really tough here soon but God promises to watch over us and take care of our needs (not our wants) and so my faith is unwaivering.
I am creating...still nothing although the ambition is there...going to look up ideas for a baby rag quilt this afternoon.
I am hearing...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie playing. It's 3:30 pm and Caden finally persuaded me to let him watch a few cartoons. We make it through most of the day without television as I prefer that the kids use their imagination to play or do a craft or be outside!
A few plans for the rest of the week...Kevin is OFF this weekend! Wahoo! The weatherman is predicting rain and snow flurries and so I'm sure most of the time will be spent inside but that's okay...Kevin hasn't been home on a weekend in about 4 weeks and so we're thrilled. We have church on Sunday as well as our Life Group that afternoon unless I can persuade Kevin to try the Saturday night service!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Another Visit From the Tooth Fairy!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Let's Sew...
I think I will try my hand at making this purse in a "regular" size using these directions and then maybe make a smaller version for Isabella.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I am thinking...that I need to go wake up Isabella from her nap her down late but I also don't want her to sleep too late either!
I am thankful for...that God provides when you trust! Kevin got a part-time job last night and although I hate it that he has to work another job, I am also thankful that it seems to work well with his schedule and the location and so God is looking out for him and us.
From the kitchen...I'm ashamed to admit it but we're having frozen pizza tonight! We did a bit of grocery shopping today and they were on sale...I couldn't resist the convenience of it all, especially when Kevin is working late tonight.
I am wearing...grey knit capri's and a white tshirt and black flip-flops...very comfy!
I am reading...Confessions of an Irritable Mother; Christianity 101, Chapter 4 for my bible study.
I am hoping...that I can get really good at "couponing". I've always cut them out but now with our finances being as they are, I need to get as good as those women that you see on the news who bought $150 worth of groceries for 39 cents! ha!
I am creating...still nothing although the ambition is there...going to look up ideas for a baby rag quilt this afternoon.
I am hearing...Caden sharpening a pencil. He's practicing the writing of A-B-C.
One of my favorite things...the thought that spring is just around the corner!
A few plans for the rest of the week...none really for Friday but Saturday we have a son of a friend who is turning the big "1" and so we are going to his party; Sunday, I have to volunteer in the nursery during service and then go to our Life Group. That's about it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
RedBox Free Code for Wednesday!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
St. Patrick, the holy and tutular man
His beard down his bosom like Aaron's ran:
Some from Scotland, some from Wales, will declare that he came,
But I care not from whence now he's risen to fame;
The pride of the world and his enemies scorning
I will drink to St. Patrick, today in the Morning!
He's a desperate big, little Erin go brah;
He will pardon our follies and promise us joy,
By the mass, by the Pope, by St. Patrick so long
As I live, I will give him a beautiful song!
No saint is so good, Ireland's country adorning:
Then hail to St. Patrick, today, in the morning!
(Traditional Song)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bring in the Clowns!
We saw the elephants, lions and tigers perform which the kids loved! It was fun to see all the activity and the kids had such a wonderful time watching everything!
Thanks Jean and Tom for a wonderful evening full of fun and laughter
and new memories! The kids will always remember this night!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I am thinking... that I need to fix myself a cup of coffee and start cleaning the house!
I am thankful for... my sister. We had a speaker last night at church about the importance of relationships without anything being in the way and I have that with her...I'm myself!
From the kitchen...baked chicken, some sort of noodle or rice side dish and a veggie.
I am wearing... black pants; Green Bay Packers shirt (no comments) and a white long sleeve shirt underneath.
I am reading...Confessions of an Irritable Mother; Christianity 101, Chapter 4 for my bible study
I am hoping...that God gives me patience and understanding with my current work situation.
I am creating...still nothing although I want to do the purse for Isabella and then "thinking" about starting on a baby quilt for a friend of mine whose baby is due in June...will need to start on that one soon!
I am hearing...Caden playing the Wii and Isabella playing with her baby dolls!
One of my favorite things...the thought that spring is just around the corner!
A few plans for the rest of the week... Lunch with my dad and sister on Friday; Birthday party for the kids on Saturday; Family coming over Saturday night to celebrate Isabella's 2nd birthday; Church and Life Group on Sunday...I love being busy on the weekend during these colder months!