We found out the Friday before Mother's Day that we are expecting another baby! This was wonderful, shocking news but it came at a time in our lives where the timing just wasn't right as well as we thought we were done having children! I turn 40 in August and to be quite honest, I never thought at age 40, I would be having another child. So we thought we were done and to the point that I've been giving things away over the past couple of years as Isabella had been growing out of things!
But it all started in early May when I had been feeling nauseaus each morning and Kevin even asked at one point, "are you pregnant" and I blew it off saying "there's no way" and we both agreed and went on about our morning. Two days later, on my way to work, I thought I was going to have to pull over the car to puke my guts out and that's when I pretty much knew, without having to take a test, that I was in fact, pregnant. I took the test and it didn't even take seconds before I saw that second line pop up to confirm what I pretty much already knew! I sat there in complete shock, excited, nervous and scared all at the same time.
Luckily, although Kevin is without work, I was able to get the family on my insurance through my work and so the timing worked out perfectly in that regard. My doctor's office has so graciously given me about 10 weeks worth of free prenatal vitamins and then as soon as I got insurance, they scheduled me in within the week to get both an ultrasound and an appointment. Because of "my advanced maternal age" mixed in with our first-born's genetic history, they are treating this pregnancy cautiously.
So I'm currently 11 weeks along and our official due date is January 5th! We're hoping maybe that we can have this baby December 31rst and have a nice tax deduction! ha!
God certainly has a lot of surprises in life and if we just say YES! to the adventure and let Him lead, we may receive things we never expected but can't live without. This was one of them!
Tax deduction and only one deductible .... let's pray for a Christmas baby. :) Yea!
Congratulations, Brown family! :)
no twins, right Beth!? :)
have excitedly been anticipating you announcing this pregnancy to all so that support & congrats you so deserve will follow !! You are one very amazing woman ! xo
How exciting! Congratulations! Are your children excited?
Aww! That's so exciting! Congratulations to you and your family, Beth! :)
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