Outside my window...it's a beautiful COOL morning...only 48 degrees. But the birds are chirping and we're off to a good start.
I am thinking...that I have great neighbors. I just love the
comradery that we have here on the street with the other parents and we get along so well. Also, yesterday, one of the mothers took the boys to see a movie with her 2 sons and I just thought that was such a nice gesture on her part...taking 4 boys to see a movie is an adventure of itself!
I am thankful for...that I was able to get us on my insurance at work while Kevin is off. I was nervous that things wouldn't go as planned but I was able to sign the family up and we're already enrolled! A quick and easy process, although not cheap! Ha!
From the kitchen...I'm not sure yet. I haven't set anything out but the day is early and so I have time! Because Kevin has been home, he's been doing a lot of the cooking here lately and getting quite good at it!
I am wearing...I'm still in my pajama's! I woke up at 5:15 this morning and just couldn't get back to sleep and so came on downstairs and got on the computer!
I am reading...nothing at the moment...it's summer and the kids are home and I've just been too busy. I signed the kids up thought for the summer reading program at the library and they have the program for adults as well.
I am hoping...that Kevin's second phone interview goes well today! Say some prayers!
I am creating...nothing at the moment but have plans for another 3 baby rag quilts! I want to make one for another girlfriend as a gift and then one of my girlfriends in
Michigan wants me to make her one for each of her children.
I am hearing...the news. Because it's so early, I have the TV to myself!
One of my favorite things...when I have moments like this to myself! Usually it's in the evening after everyone has gone to sleep and the whole house is quiet.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Tonight, the "parent" football game with
Caden. Kevin will be playing as a teammate with
Caden. Saturday, we have the last of the football games for the boys and they will also get their trophies that day as well. Sunday, church and Life Group.